产品特点.Product features
◎ 桁架机械手可应用于数控行业的多种形式,可在单台、多台及连组数控,实现一人管理多台车床,甚至整个车间,通过采用 AC 伺服电机及 LM 导轨,可迅速,准确搬送工件,并实现全自动化来降低生产成本。
◎ 根据加工需要提供上下料仓,料仓的储存量可以调整,实现与加工设备的无人化顺畅联动,基本无需移动现有加工设备,即可安装使用且操作简单。
◎ 驱动机构采用伺服系统,稳定、高效、高精度、高强度; 控制系统采用运动控制器,维护方便。
◎ Truss manipulator application in numerical controlIndustry in a variety of forms, can be in a single,Multi - set and group nc, one personManaging multiple lathes, even entire workshops,By using AC servo motor and LM guide,It can move and deliver the workpiece of reasonable weight quickly and accurately.And achieve full automation to reduce production costs.
◎ According to the processing needs to provide up and down bin, bin storage can be adjusted to achieve smooth linkage with the processing equipment unmanned, basic need not move the existing processing equipment, can be installed and used and simple operation.
◎ Drive mechanism adopts servo system, stable, high efficiency, high precision and high strength.The control system adopts motion controller for easy maintenance.